Set of illustrations dedicated to the mythological creatures, gods and artifacts from Norse Mythology,
Slavic Paganism & Celtic Mythology. T-shirt designs (screenprint, .psd).
Each one - 420 x 297 mm, ink on paper + digital coloring.

Ravens of Odin (norse mythology)
Odin (norse mythology)
Thor's hammer (norse mythology)
Leshy (slavic mythology)
Slavic warrior's spirit (slavic mythology)
Veles (slavic mythology)
Fenrir and Jormungandr (norse mythology)
Morana (slavic mythology)
Perun (slavic mythology)
Sword of light (celtic mythology)
Greenman (celtic mythology)
Tree of life (celtic mythology)

Ravens of Odin
This t shirt design depicts Huginn and Muninn, the mythological ravens of the Allfather, old norse god Odin. Also there are the valknut symbol and a knotwork ornamentation here. This norse art / Illustration was originally drawn by hand and digitally colored for screenprinting.
illustration by Theoretical part

Odin, the Allfather
This t shirt design depicts the old norse god - Odin himself sitting on a throne with his spear Gungnir with his ravens - Huginn and Munin and the wolves of Odin - Geri and Freki. Also there is a woodcarving knotwork ornamentation here. This Illustration was traditionally drawn with ink on paper and digitally colored for silkscreen with different colors on separated layers.
illustration by Theoretical part

Thor's hammer
This artwork dedicated to the Mjolnir (Mjölnir), the Thor's hammer from old norse myths. This tshirt design was originally drawn by hand (ink on paper) and then digitally colored for printing with separated layers (.psd). Also we're able to redraw all of our illustrations in vector (.cdr / .ai) if you'll need it.
illustration by Theoretical part

Leshy, the forest spirit
This is the mysterious forest spirit from Slavic Mythology. This slavic design was drawn by hand (ink on paper) and then digitally colored for screenprinting (.psd, 300 dpi, separated layers).
We also specialize in high-detailed vector art, so it may be a wine or beer label, t-shirt illustration or anything else.
illustration by Theoretical part

Wolf the warrior's spirit
This art depicts a slavic warrior and his totemic animal - a wolf spirit. A lot of slavic ornaments also you may find here.
Also we offer an option of vector redrawing of our detailed ink drawings, it's important if you need to print it in high resolution or usic specifical equipment or technology.
illustration by Theoretical part

Slavic god, wich often associates with earth, underworld, sometimes darkness, cattle, the harvest, wealth, magic etc. Popular person in slavic paganism. This t shirt design was drawn by hand (ink on paper) and then digitally colored for screenprinting. Also this slavic art used as a mead bottle label, so if you need a high-detailed graphics for your mead, wine or beer, you may place an order.
illustration by Theoretical part

Jormungandr and Fenrir
The children of Loki, two famous monsters from old norse mythology. These artworks was created as a rashguard sleeves for the sportswear apparel brand. This t shirt design was drawn traditionally and then colored for screen print (.psd, 300 dpi, separated layers).
illustration by Theoretical part

Slavic goddess of death and winter. This slavic design was drawn in ink and then scanned and digitally colored for silk screen printing (.psd, 300 dpi, separated layers). There is also a hand-drawn lettering here as well as a lot of slavic ornamentation as a decorative art frame. We offer a high-detailed ink drawings, t-shirt designs but the vector illustrations are also available.
illustration by Theoretical part

Thundergod of the old slavic pagan pantheon and also Perun was the highest god of war and sky. His attributes was an Axe of Perun, oak trees, fire and thunderbolts. This slavic design was drawn by hand (ink drawing on paper) and then digitally colored for printing on t-shirts. We always tried to offer a high-detailed illustrations (both of bitmap and vector graphics) for our customers - brewery companies, sportswear and streetwear apparel companies, musicians and writers.
illustration by Theoretical part

Sword of light
This is the Sword of Light, a legendary / mythological celtic weapon with a complex ornamentation. This celtic design was drawn by hand (ink on paper) and then digitally colored for screenprinting (.psd, 300 dpi, separated layers).
illustration by Theoretical part

Green Man
Regarding the tradition of the modern paganism, the Green Man is used as a symbol of seasonal renewal etc. In Wicca, the Green Man has often been used as a representation of the Horned God (Celtic Cernunnos or the ancient Greek Pan). This is our representation of these folklore / mythological character, a face made from leaves with a celtic ornamental / knotwork addition. This t shirt design was drawn traditionally then colored on PC and prepared for screen printing (.psd, 300 dpi, separated layers). As well as we create such detailed bitmap illustrations, we offer also vector designs on different themes: medieval, vikings / norse, slavic, celtic, ornamental, tattoo style, dark art / occult, fairytales / folklore, vintage, baroque, pagan / heathen etc.
illustration by Theoretical part

Tree of life
This is the celtic Tree of life (Crann Bethadh in Irish) - one of the most popular and famous celtic symbols. The Celts believed that the trees were ancestors of human beings. This Celtic design was drawn with ink on paper and then colored and prepared for screenprinting (bitmap, .psd, 300 dpi, separated layers) on PC. If you need a graphics or illustration for your business or your project, contact us, we may discuss the different options: book covers and illustrations, album covers and band logos, illustrations for metalfests and any other fests and gigs, t-shirt designs, rashguards, tank top shirts, other clothing designs, logotypes, beer bottle labels, mead and wine labels etc.
illustration by Theoretical part